Congratulations to all our university students who passed the Quality Assurance module – Advanced manufacturing of their Mechanical Engineering University degree and have been awarded QM&T’s Certificate as becoming a “Professional Quality Engineer”.
The Quality Assurance module – Advanced manufacturing is a key part of their Mechanical Engineering University degree and covers the syllabus shown below. The Quality Assurance module – Advanced manufacturing was delivered via eLearning, Zoom tutorials and accompanying assignments for each of the twelve elements of the module. This look place over an intensive 12 week period for each of the twelve elements of the module requires the student to completed an assignment demonstrating their understanding and knowledge of element subject matter.
So it may be that there are organisations out there maybe looking for technically gifted and qualified quality engineers that they can mould and integrate into their organisation quality assurance needs. That being the case please contact QM&T and we would gladly on your details to these eminently qualified quality engineers who have met the requirements of this exactly Quality Management & Training created syllabus.