Quality Management & Training


There is a wide range of approaches and techniques that can be adopted in controlling suppliers, (Supplier Quality Assurance) from the fairly basic approach as described in ISO 9001 to a comprehensive approach, such as ISO/TS 16949 the Automotive Quality System Standard or AS 9100 for Aerospace. All these approaches have features that make them attractive to Buyers; the simple approach will be less demanding in terms of resource but may be considered too vague and not sufficiently product or service specific.

In both service and manufacturing industries alike, in recent years there has been a steady movement towards outsourcing an increasing range of products and services.

Traditionally, Western Industrial organisations have adopted adversarial relationships with multiple suppliers. Whilst there has recently been a trend towards long term collaborative relationships, multiple sourcing has by no way disappeared. The reason being that the alternatives are not clear and change can be a complex process.

With the coming of the internet, intranets and extranets, supply chains are becoming increasingly more and more transparent In addition to this, internet based benchmarking databases are providing more about potential suppliers financial and business performance. The net is also making it easier to buy direct from the original source without requiring intermediaries irrespective of location.

These considerations combined with the impact of new standards such as ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949 and its derivatives, it is clear that we are confronted with a revolution in supply chain politics.

“For the want of a nail a horseshoe was lost, For the want of a horseshoe a horse was lost, For the want of a horse a rider was lost, For the want of a rider a battle was lost, For the want of a battle a kingdom was lost.”


This course/workshop will address the problems and opportunities presented by these changes and share the experience of both the tutors and the participants.

The course will provide an opportunity for those who wish to develop this important area of quality improvement within their own organisation to analyse the important elements of the subject. Emphasis will be placed on discussions aimed at ascertaining alternative solutions to potential problems in this field.


Course delegates will be able to as a consequence of this course:

  • Be aware of the aims, objectives and benefits of SQA.
  • Be aware of SQA techniques including; Analysis of requirements, Assessment of Suppliers, Supplier selection and management, market testing and tendering, negotiation, contracting and partnership sourcing, supplier development, cost reduction, etc
  • Identify the most appropriate SQA techniques to employ.
  • Identify the need for implementing SQA.
  • Understand the role of SQA in improving suppliers.
  • Be capable of completing an SQA initiative.
  • Coherently answer questions regarding SQA.
  • Provide the opportunity to make real major financial saving through QM&T’s pre and post course supported assignment scheme.
  • Be QM&T validated and certificated Supplier Quality Assurance practitioner.


  • Quality Professionals and Senior Management wishing to introduce and employ SQA techniques.
  • Quality Auditors.
  • Personnel working in departments concerned with quality purchasing, quality control and related areas in industrial and commercial organisations whether in the role of purchaser or vendor.


Items covered include:

  • Analysis of requirements
  • Assessment of Suppliers
  • Goods Receiving Inspection
  • Basic Statistics
  • Supplier selection and management
  • Market testing and tendering
  • Negotiation
  • Contracting and partnership sourcing
  • Supplier development
  • Cost reduction and the Quality Operating System
  • Just in Time
  • Supplier Quality Assurance Standards such as ISO/TS 16949 and AS 9100


The lecturing team is comprised of professionals who have been especially selected for their recognised knowledge and experience in the field of supplier quality assurance.


See Training Courses for price list and order form