To pursue a centre of excellence for clients, owners and employees' needs with total commitment, pride and integrity, by promoting quality in all tasks.
QM&T are offering the complete selection of the CQI and IRCA certified courses in Quality Management and Auditing. See link below for more information regarding these courses which are offered at 3 different levels.
CQI and IRCA Certified courses
Maximising the potential of your staff is probably the single most important step you can take towards achieving your organisation’s strategic quality goals. These include:
ISO 9001 Awareness, Lead Assessor, Internal Auditor, Implementation.
Customer Satisfaction: Needs analysis, measurement and appraisals
Industry Standards: ISO/TS 16949, AS 9100, ISO 27001, ISO 14001, OHAS 18001, Regulatory Affairs
Management Systems: Project QA, Supplier QA, Software QA
Quality Improvement Tools: Balanced Scorecards, Failure Mode Effect Analysis and Root Cause Analysis, QFD, Value Analysis, Six Sigma, Statistics, poka-Yoke.
A wide range of books that cover all aspects of quality, environmental, Health & Safety and security are available from QM&T. Listed below are only a few of our best selling books.
People in Quality
Management System Models
Monitoring & Measuring for Quality
Quality Management
Using Quality to Improve Business Performance
Management System Audit
QM&T can help your company achieve accreditation and provide in-house quality support. We provide this assistance to large and small companies, including long-term provision of Quality Managers and Auditors.
Established in 1984, QM&T has been a provider of “quality” products and services. QM&T are affiliated to the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) and the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA). They are a registered and accredited education centre for the CQI & IRCA Certified courses in Quality and Auditing. Our best selling distance learning courses include Internal Auditing and Lead Auditor courses.
QM&T offer a wide selection of distance learning courses in Quality Assurance / Quality Management, Auditing for environmental and Health & Safety. QM&T students have won Best CQI Student Awards. We have an excellent reputation and a great track record in helping students maximise their potential by providing dedicated support and guidance throughout their course.
QM&T are renowned for the quality of their training, but also for their extensive range of services they offer. Their consultants’ experiences are broad and varied. They have been involved with a wide range of companies including, software houses, research and development establishments, aerospace and automotive manufacturers, government departments and hospitals. The Directors are authors of books and numerous articles on Quality Assurance.
QM&T have helped many companies in successfully implementing ISO 9001; preparing quality procedures and manuals; training of quality auditors e.g. GMP and GLP in the Blood Transfusion service; ISO 9000 workshops / small contractors; research projects with the Health & Safety Executive; the writing of training manuals in Statistical Process Control and FMEA; Consultations with the Health Service with regards to the application of quality assurance; the application of ISO 9000 in the Royal Navy, REME, and various other Ministry of Defence departments, including research organisations. Our track record of 100% pass rate or ISO 9000 first time every time is our testimony of thoroughness and practicality.