Quality Management & Training

QM&T Consultancy Services

QM&T’s consultancy services provide support, guidance, implementation and preparations for third party certification for the following management systems:  Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO 14001), Health & Safety (ISO 45001) and Information Technology Security (ISO 27001) management systems.

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Our consultants are highly experienced professionals who can provide practical assistance within all types of organisations.  Our clients come from the public and private sectors and include service, manufacturing and process industries.  These services will be bespoke to suit individual orangisations.

Areas of expertise include:

  • ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, IATF 16949, ISO 27001
  • Integrated Management Systems
  • Process analysis and mapping
  • Systems streamlining
  • Benchmarking

QM&T also offers ongoing support through the provision of an inhouse quality/environmental/health and safety, security manager.


Management System StandardISO 9001-General ISO 14001-Environ-mentalISO 45001- H&SIATF 16949-Auto-motiveISO 13485– Medical Devices


ISO 27001-Security


AS 9100–Aero-space


ISO 20000-Technical Support
Introduced*  * * * * * * *
Maintained * * * * * * * * * *
Audited & Assessed Against* * * * * * * * * *
Managed & Coordinated * * * * * * * * * *
Certification Body Audits * * * * * * * * * *
Customer Audits  * * * * * * * * * *
Supplier Audits  * * * * * * * * * *
Internal Audits  * * * * * * *  * * *

QM&T’s consultancy support services have been in the following areas:

  • Successfully introduced and maintained Management Systems (MS).
  • Managed and coordinated; internal, external, customer supplier and certification audits (never yet failing to meet the requirements of customer or certification body)
  • Maintained MS to meet any new and up dated standard.
  • Introduced effective performance improvement schemes such as:
    • Root Cause Analysis
    • Six Sigma
    • Poka Yoke
    • Business Process Analysis
    • Risk Assessment (FMEA, FTA, etc.)

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