By: Edda Saunders
Disaster can be defined as any sudden or unplanned event that causes a significant disruption and affects the operation of an organisation.
Causes for disaster could be:
Disaster Recovery or Business Contingency are commonly used terms to refer to the recovery of service following either a disaster or other actions which would disrupt business activity.
The extensive use of computer systems has made businesses vulnerable to major problems, ranging from the accidental loss of data to deliberate sabotage. If computer systems are out of action for any reason, the business may not be able to function at all. Good data security and data backups are essential requirements for disaster recovery.
1) Introduction
2) What is BCM
3) BCI’s Good Practice Guidelines
4) Business Continuity Standard
5) Business Continuity Management Process
6) Business Impact Analysis
7) Embedding BCM in the Organisation
8) Keeping your System & Data Secure
9) Benefits of BCM Planning
10) Disaster Recovery Team Members
11) What is there to lose
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