Software Quality Assurance consultant and active Lead TickIT Auditor contracting to DNVQA. PERA registered, active in DTI consultancy scheme.
Member of BSI TickIT committee, BSFD/9/1, representing the IEE. This is responsible for monitoring, promoting and developing the TickIT initiative.
Involved in development of SPICE software development quality standard.
Previous Activities:
Software structured design using Yourdon, Ward/Mellor and Hatley/Pirbhai methods for development of real time systems.
Providing courses on the ESL simulation language developed by Salford University and the European Space Agency.
Chairman of COGSYS Club Technical Sub-Committee. This was a joint venture to develop a real time expert system, financed by 35 industrial UK and European companies. This involved organising and chairing technical meetings over the three year development period, coordinating activities, auditing the contractors (SD-Scicon) and accepting the final product. COGSYS has now been formed into a company jointly supported by British Gas, SD-Scicon and Salford University Business Enterprises.
Developing and installing electrical and process standards for H J Heinz and Nabisco foods. These standard provided for company wide implementation of installation, design, software and maintenance standards which were intended principally for external contractors to implement.
Various consultancy and project management work involving process control and related issues for Cyanamid UK, Whitbread, Metal Box, Baxter Healthcare and Four Square.
Electrical contracting work for Mars Confectionery, Slough. This involved the design, installation and commissioning of various process systems.