Everything you wanted to know about 8D Problem Solving.
8D is a recognised methodology for addressing concerns and opportunities for improvement. It is applicable to a broad range of problems, from those which are simple, to those which are rather more challenging.
It is applicable to both manufacturing and non-manufacturing activities and is utilised by a broad range of organisations and industry sectors.
Many customers require their suppliers to utilise the 8D process for the management of concerns.
Multidisciplinary: Personnel from all functions, who lead, or are involved with, problem solving and continual improvement activities.
The delegates should understand:
Day 1
Introduction to problem solving
Protect the customer / Initiate the 8D process
Selecting a team
Describing the problem
Interim Containment Action (ICA)
Day 2
Root cause analysis
Developing and implementing permanent corrective actions
Preventing recurrence of the problem
Completing the problem solving activity
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