It is very important to establish the customer’s perception of the quality of product and service provided. This may be in some part determined from customer complaints or warranty returns but it is often stated that the customer rarely complains, they just don’t come back. When this statement is balanced with the amount of investment (financial and resource) that is being placed on identifying and gaining new customers (i.e. increasing market share) against the investment on retaining old customers. Then maybe the effort and resource is being placed in the wrong area. If old customers are being lost, possibly at the same or higher rates as gaining new customers, then a new approach is required. It may be worth considering investing money on retaining existing customers. On this basis customer loyalty is worth ten times the price of a single purchase, as a loyal customer will return to make further purchases.
The ISO standards:
- ISO 10001 Customer satisfaction: Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations
- ISO 10002 Customer satisfaction: Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations
- ISO 10003 Customer satisfaction: Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations
are excellent models for understanding and raising levels of customer care and improving customer satisfaction performance.
As a consequence of the course delegates should be able to:
- Developing systems, processes and procedures for their organisation, capable of meeting the requirements of ISO 10001, ISO 10002 and ISO 10003
- Implementing processes and procedures to meet the requirements of ISO 10001, ISO 10002 amd ISO 10003
- Audit organisations against the requirements of ISO 10001, ISO 10002 and ISO 10003
- Define and implement their organisation’s Customer Satisfaction strategy and plan
- Create, operate and monitor a Customer Satisfaction and Complaints process
- Understand how to evaluate levels of customer satisfaction
- How to develop a Customer Satisfaction scheme
Quality, Sales & Marketing or any personnel interested in improving the organisations Customer Satisfaction status.
Will include:
- Understanding the requiements of ISO 10001, ISO 10002 and ISO 10003
- Understanding customer Needs and requirements
- Explaining various factors which can be used to determine levels of sustomer satisfaction (and dissatisfaction), “Measures of Customer Satisfaction”.
- Measuring the levels of customer satisfaction – “Measuring Customer Satisfaction”.
- Defining and implementing the customer feedback (complaint) process
- Be capable of introducing systems and
Covering such techniques as:
- Customer related processes – Contract Review and Customer Focus
- Quality Function Deployment “Voice of the Customer”
- Customer Satisfaction Surveys
- Gap Analysis.
See Training Courses for price list and order form