What is a project? Well in the context of this course (Project QA) the reference could be to any type of project. This could be a significant scale capital projects such as the purchase of a key piece of capital equipment, switching on a factory or a development of major piece of software. Alternatively, it could be very much smaller in scale such as the introduction of a change to a procedure or a process. In both cases the project needs to meet specification, be delivered on time, to budget and technically supported for quality. This course could be used; as the basis of controlling projects for quality, by the Project Manager to ensure effective controls or by Quality Managers or Project Quality Officers in quality assuring projects.
Why QA Projects? There is Line Management and Project Management. With Line Management – the same things happen and consequently it is possible to learn to get it right, after enough mistakes! However with Project Management – new things happen – there is not the same opportunity to improve over time and learn from our mistakes. Yes, the project process may be the same, but the application is usually very different.
Course delegates will be able to as a consequence of this course:
Items covered include:
The lecturing team is comprised of professionals who have been especially selected for their recognised knowledge and experience in the field of project management and quality assurance.